Archiv des Autors: Jessica Braasch

(English) Fake job offers, donations that never reach their destination and the rather popular PayPal scam. The latest in scams!


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Dear friends of tellows,

If you think that scammers aren’t clever, or creative, this article may surprise you. Successful frauds are not that common and it’s quite difficult even to invent one, much less make it work. Today, we will present you with three new techniques that we have come across this week, based on a good deal of patience, exploitation of basic human emotions and of course, a degree of resourcefulness.

The first number 2032863985 from Connecticut, USA is a great example. To pull off this particular scam, the fraudsters had to buy a domain and make a plausible webpage, obtain a convincing phone number, research classy-looking addresses, stay in constant contact with their clients and rake in the cash in a way which wouldn’t arouse suspicion – at least not right away. This was a carefully planned and executed ploy, not your standard „Give me your credit card details!“

It goes something like this:

Your receive an email from Wilfred Adams (this name was a favourite of theirs) from Ghana Gold Corporation with a job offer, which seems to fit you perfectly and also happens to pay pretty nicely. (It’s always an email, never a call or a letter). Although you may initially have some doubts, they’ll provide you with ample information on their projects, give you access to their webpage ( and provide their contact information.
However, the catch will inevitably become visible when formalities are discussed; the job is, after all, in Ghana and there will be a fair few administrative points to consider.

when you come to the „formalities“ of the job offer they start asking for money, like for the courier services, medical clearances and custo clearances and so on. They never really answer your questions and the offer comes out of the blue, without any calls. You would believe that a big company like that doesn’t make you pay for something like courier services but this is the first hint.

The further along it goes, the more you’ll notice that things don’t quite add up. As you start to find out more about the job, the company and their projects, you’ll begin to smell a rat.

a few things don’t really add up:
– the area code is wrong
– when you look up the domain information about the site you’ll find a different registered address=> so the address given in the mail is wrong or just doesn’t make sense
– but even the newfound information is wrong if you go deeper:their phone number isn’t even theirs
– the mail in the domain informations is known to be used by frauds
=> it sounds more and more like scam: someone bought a domain and phone number to hide the real objective….to many red flags here that i would believe this job offer, there isn’t even a business like Ghana Gold Corporation in NY!!!

The second number 4107056172 from Beltsville – USA is from Outreach Calling call center. It is a lawful enterprise but its methods are somewhat interesting. This call center calls on behalf of several charitable organizations, such as MD State Fraternal Order Of Police or children’s hunger funds. People can donate money to, say, the families of fallen officers. Whilst this all seems very commendable, what brought this issue to our attention was how the donations are managed. One user reported some interesting facts:

I know about this company because let’s say I had a friend (^^) and this friend kinda worked for a similar company. This callcenter calls people and collects money for different causes, depending for what organization it currently works. It can be something like „for families of fallen police officers“ or the like. They cant accept donations under 10$ because only 1-15% of it will be actually donated and the rest goes to the owner or let’s say for paycheks, for maintaining the building and so on. To remove the number is also quiet difficult because a regular call rep can’t do that. He will just remove you from the list of that specific organization but they’ll continue to call you to donate for different organizations. I heard you’ll have to aks specifically for a verifier to remove your number permanently but this step is avoided as much as possible. It’s not like the don’t donate anything but like I said, the majority of the money isn’t used for what the people who donated think it is. It’s sad but well….this friend of mine doesn’t work there anymore but it was an experience…..

This is not to say that donations should not be made but those who would like to donate may wish to ask how much of the donated money actually goes to the charitable organization. If you have any problems or you can’t get hold of the information you want, then it’s always possible to donate to the preferred organization directly.

And finally our third number 8324081079 from Texas, Houston area, USA, which is a PayPal scam. This method is getting quite popular the world over. Why? Because it’s easy to do and citing PayPal can create a trustworthy-looking facade. Spotting the scam is easy if you look out for the following…

These are the hints for the scam:
– First you wouldn’t send a text message but use the services on the responsible site. But by sending you text like that you’ll give them your mail address.
– They usually ask for information which you already published on Cycle Trader or another site.
– Then it always comes to problems with the payment and for whatever reason, they always can pay with PayPal only. Maybe they’ll invent some story…

Getting your email address and paying by PayPal are the vital elements needed to make this scam work. Usually the process goes like this:

1. They send you a text message asking you to send them a mail so that they can get your mail address
2. Then they will say that they’ll pay with PayPal and they will give you extra money for the shipping or something else, afterall your bike or whatever they want, has to be delivered to them
3. Then you receive a PayPal deposit notice email where you can read the money has been transferred
4. Finally, now that you have the money, you transfer via wire or pre-paid card the ‚extra‘ money for the shipping to the one who’s supposed to pick up the bike or whatever
=> Then you realize that no money has been transferred to your PayPal account. The end!

In some cases, when the scam victim starts to have their doubts, they will become more insistent and between steps 3 and 4 they may start to send more messages to reassure you and encourage you to pay. They may say something along the lines of:“ I already paid my part. All that’s left is for you to finish your part of the deal“ or „PayPal already gave you all the information. The notice they send me…..“. Watch your step here and do not answer to this kind of message.

All of these techniques are designed to make you part with your money and in the most inconspicuous way. Second-guessing is highly recommended and if there is even the slightest hint of scam, take precautionary measures and do your research.


(English) Our Top 3 of the Most Wanted for you


Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf Amerikanisches Englisch verfügbar.

Dear friends of tellows,

This week you were undoubtedly harassed by numerous phone calls and sms. It’s difficult to decide whether you should leave it be or pick it up if you don’t know who is calling you. The numbers are quiet often identified as ‚unknown‘ and there is this constant thought on your mind that the call could actually be important. The numbers, which we present you today, make use if that behavior and curiosity and if it doesn’t work, they make use of the fact that no one can stand annoying and harassing calls for long. This week we have numbers of debt collectors, survey and advertising companies. Inform yourself on their methods and don’t think that you are the only victim. By sharing your experience with others you can learn from them and be prepared when the phone rings once again.

1. 5159547694 with 3 comments and 1042 search requests. tellows Score: 7
2. 6068330105 with 2 comments and 626 search requests. tellows Score: 9
3. 2107363080 with 3 comments and 632 search requests. tellows Score: 7

Our first number 5159547694 is from Grinnell and may belong to the Credit Bureau Enterprises. They call people in order to remind them of their debts but in some cases, they get hold of a complete stranger and just don’t back off. Dan commented:

I get these annoying calls everyday. No messages, nothing. I don’t usually pick up calls with an unknown number but if I hadn’t done that, I would have smashed my phone against the wall. The best part is that when I did pick up they introduced themselves as CBE and asked for a person I don’t know. I’ve told them that again and again but they don’t listen. What kind of use does this behaviour have? I mean no one gains anything out of it!! I know I don’t have debts and I bet they know it too. They are just too lazy to search for the actual person (if he even exists)

On the second place, there is the number 6068330105 from Russell and it belongs to Lister, Inc which seems to be a hardcore advertising group and can’t accept a ‚No‘ for an answer. It drives their clients crazy. Jenny commented:

They just call without leaving any message and then in an hour they try again. If this is important, then you leave a message, if not, well your own fault. I am on the DNC list…if that even counts. I’ll just call it harassment cause that’s what this is. I bet it has got to do something with advertising. looking it up I found out this name Lister, Inc. I think I’ll pick it up next time, just to say not to call anymore, because really there isn’t anything left for me to do.

And finally the third number 2107363080 from San Antonio belongs to the Scarborough Research. Their goal ist to carry out as many surveys as they can and for that, they don’t hesitate to call people again and again, even though they might be rejected each time. Well, actually this outcome is not really that surprising, considering the feelings of the ones who are called. Alice commented:

Calls during the day and night is nothing new when it comes to this number….I already told them I’m not interested in answering their questions but they just keep calling. I even asked them to remove my number from their database but all in vain. It seems that the National Do Not Call List doesn’t stop them. This doesn’t make me want to cooperate at all. Who in their right mind would endure that treatment and then happily comply to their demand?!

This were the numbers of the week. Keep on being careful an don’t be fooled by threats and confusing tactics. Share your expirience with others and have a nice week

Your tellows team


(English) Another Week, Another Spam List: The Top 3 Most Wanted Numbers


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Dear friends of tellows,

as the work week comes to an end, we provide you an update on the most wanted telephone numbers of the past five days. This time, we have a newcomer and two rather well-known nuisance callers – one of which is making calls around the globe. But let’s have a closer look:

1. 4029524444 with 2 comments and 1280 search requests. tellows Score: 7
2. 5707068800 with 2 comments and 979 search requests. tellows Score: 8
3. 3023573644 with 12 comments and 9105 search requests. tellows Score: 6

Calling from Omaha, Nebraska, our number one this week, 4029524444, is a newcomer to the list. With a tellows score of 7, our users consider the telephone number to be rather untrustworthy and have reported of frequent silent calls. User Conny commented:

They called at about 5:43 pm and then immediately disconnected the call when I answered it. They then called again at 5:44 pm – basically less than a minute later and the same thing repeated. So I figure they aren’t actually trying to have an actual conversation and it isn’t a very trustworthy number so I blocked the number.

Similarly, the second number 5707068800 is rated as dubious with a tellows score of 8. Some users suspect a scam behind the frequent calls from the number, such as tellows user Lea who reported:

A man on the other end of the line asked for a guy named Eugen Jacobs. I dont know someone with this name and i have had this phone number for many years! So im wuite sure that this is a scam!

Ranking on our final place, the number 3023573644 has been an „old acquaintance“ to our top 3, making its first appearance on the list in June 2012. Users from all over the world ranging from the Netherlands to Pakistan have complained about unwanted calls that seem to originate from Delaware. User man wrote about the unsolicited calls:

Even I received call from this number twice on 27.04.2012, when I called back on this number, it went straight to a pre-recorded message from a female voice asking for an authorization code. I am from India

If you have information about this or any other number that seems to be used for spam or scam calls, don’t hesitate to share it with our tellows community. Take care and have a nice weekend!

Your tellows team


(English) Top 3 Most Annoying Phone Numbers of the Week


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Dear friends of tellows,

in contrast with September announcing the beginning of fall and with that another change of season, there are some things that seem to never change: nuisance callers and telephone scammers have been as busy as ever the past week and as usual, we like to share with you the top 3 worst offenders:

1. +17148680120 with 8 comments and 13259 search requests. tellows Score: 5
2. 68547111 with 2 comments and 624 search requests. tellows Score: 8
3. 2142831316 with 2 comments and 1395 search requests. tellows Score: 9

Our first number of the week is +17148680120, and has been active around the globe with comments on tellows Indonesia and Belgium as well. While most users are wary of the calls as they appear to be made frequently and without any identification of the caller, our user Bert indicated something else:

its a service number of the microsoft corperation

Ranking on this week’s second place, number 68547111 is a newcomer. Similarly to the first number, the identity of the caller is uncertain, with some users warning that it might be a cost trap as they were charged for the incoming call. User Geegee voiced concern about the trustworthiness of the number, as he has been receiving silent calls:

This number called me and leave voice mail, but there is no voice and after several minutes there is a scary male husking voice, I deleted the voice msg

Last, but not least, number 2142831316 has been the number with the third most search requests this week. Again, the caller prefers to stay unknown and with a tellows score of 9 (untrustworthy) has been preceived as harassment by most of our users. User Will Nelson, who suspects a telemarketer behind the calls, has found a way to handle the frequent calls:

I let my fax machine answer such calls I don’t know who they are.. But I would like these calls to stop..

If you have been receiving calls by numbers who make cold calls, spam calls or appears to be used by scammers, check our tellows website to share your information with the community and exchange experiences with other users. In the hope that you have a spam- and scam-free time, we wish you a great and relaxing weekend!

Your tellows team


(English) False Friends on Facebook: Beware of the Latest Social Network Scam


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With all those possibilities concerning both your personal and your professional life, who can afford to stay away from the social media? With the highest amount of active users, the social networking site Facebook has become an important part of the social life of more than a billion members world wide. What’s more, instead of limiting their online contact list to the people they actually met in real life, for many „Facebook friends“ also include a number of strangers, thus offering scammers and fraudsters a chance to creep into peoples lives without ever having met or talked to them.

How Scammers Use Facebook
One of those scams has recently come to the attention of our user who reported how they have been approached by strangers on the platform. Often using a rather common name like Amanda, Ashley, Jennifer, Jessica, Lisa or Nicole, the scammer contacts people on Facebook with a friend request, sometimes even sharing a mutual facebook „friend“ as in the case of user Gary who wrote on the number 8722130108:

This actually didn’t just happen to me but some friends of mine as well. A Jennifer/Lisa/Ashley/Amanda or what have you tries to befriend you, sending a friend request, then striking up a conversation only to quickly log off again, asking you to call „her“ at number xy. This is not the only number they try to get you to call or text to, but it’s all I’ve got so far. I guess that really teaches you a lesson about „befriending“ strangers on facebook.

Once added, the person contacts again, often asking some random questions or engaging in a little small talk before ending the (mostly one-sided) conversation quickly with the excuse that they supposedly have to log off of facebook and stating that the other person should text or call at a certain number. A lot of different numbers that have been reported in the past few days shared a similar story. User Stan W., who reported the number 7185139068, put what most users thought into words:

[…] It seemed odd to me – who gives out their number to strangers like that? […] I just wonder what they are trying to accomplish by it?

Why They Want You to Call
Scammer could want you to call for various reasons:

  • to get your number
  • to verify your number (to be used or sold to call centers, telemarketers etc.)
  • to charge you for the call
  • to forward your call to another number
  • We agree with tellows-user Peter’s recommendation, who commented on the number 7185139067:

    […]I don’t know how it works and what they have to gain from this, but do not under any circumstance respond to their requests!

    Numbers Associated with the Scam
    The following numbers have been reported in connection to the scam as well:

  • 3233582539 from Los Angeles, California
  • 4155240634 from San Francisco, California
  • 2534444459 from Tacoma, Washington
  • If you have been contacted by a stranger asking you to call an unknown number – especially without giving you a very good and plausible reason why, it is perhaps the most sensible thing not to react and to rather be safe than sorry. If you do suspect a scam or are already aware of a telephone number that is used for scams, do not hesitate to report it on tellows and warn others. Moreover, be careful who you add to your contact list on facebook or any other social networking site.


    (English) PC Doc Win Greencard In Lottery – The Week’s Most Wanted


    Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf Amerikanisches Englisch verfügbar.

    Here we go with this week’s most wanted: a PC Doctor from Washington, a bank details phishing company who apparently gives out green cards for 500 $ and somebody who introduced herself as AmVets. Here they are:

    1. 0012538203089 from Washington – Tacoma with a tellows score of 8
    2. 0016466166770 from New York/Manhattan with a tellows score of 6
    3. 3176888617 from Indiana with a tellows score of 7

    This week’s number 1 is a PC doctor number – one of the most recent scam methods that combines phone and computer spam and scam. As we already reported in our blog, the callers claim to call on behalf of Microsoft or an anti-virus programme company and explain that they will now direct you to delete the virus on your computer with the help of a bogus anti-virus software that you should download for a fee. It is quite an old story, though it still seems to be active, so beware!

    For the number on rank 2: no news, just an increasing number of search requests: 1095

    And last, but not least, user annoyed reported:

    Woman asked for me by name and claimed she was from AmVets. I told her she had called my office number and she responded „well this is the number they gave me“ I told her I didn’t know who „they“ were but not to call me at my office any longer. Then I blocked her number on our office phone system.

    So, do not let them spam the rest of your week!

    team Tellows


    (English) Nothing New, Sound Of Breaking Glass – Weekly Top 3 Udpate


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    This week’s top 3 include an unknown caller whose number has been known to us for some weeks now, a greencard scam number from New York and an incompetent telemarketer on rank3. Have a look yourself:

    1. 3023573644 from Delaware with a tellows score of 6
    2. 0016466166770 from New York/Manhattan with a tellows score of 6
    3. 3176888617 from Indiana with a tellows score of 7

    The number on rank 1 is known to us for a couple of weeks now it seems still very active!

    For the number on rank 2: some news, even the number’s Tellow score has risen from 5 to 6. User Bouzeb warned:

    Hey Guys,
    They call me too asking for credit card hahaha.
    please check this link:

    the number is mentioned for a telecommunication company.

    so be careful.

    Gimme, gimme, gimme some news on spammers 🙂

    team Tellows


    (English) From The East to The West – Most Wanted Spam At Its Best – This Week’s Top 3


    Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf Amerikanisches Englisch verfügbar.

    This week’s speciality is spam coming from both East and West coast – The axis of evil runs through the whole country from Tacoma to Delaware and Seattle:

    1. 2532468514 from Tacoma with a tellows score of 6
    2. 3023573644 from Delaware with a tellows score of 6
    3. 4253205012 from Seattle East suburbs with a tellows score of 9

    For the number on rank 1 jillybean reported:

    Starting receiving calls from this number about 3 days ago. So far, only 1 call per day. No message is ever left.

    Whereas Jing L wrote this before:

    Claimed to be a home protection company offering to install home security system in your home.

    The number on rank 2 is known to us from last week. Unfortunately, since then no new comments were given for this number.

    On rank 3, there is a newbie amongst the scammers: payday loan scam.
    cassandra did the right thing:

    These people said I have a payday Loan out, and that they are calling to collect, They asked if I had a payday loan out when I said no they said they would report this, I told them they can report what they would like and to not call me again!

    Remember: Never fall for this! And most important thing: no bank details at the phone!

    Team Tellows


    (English) Same Spam, New Week … The Tops Are The Flops


    Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf Amerikanisches Englisch verfügbar.

    Let us look at what has changed or not during the past week in the US…

    1. 2532468514 from Tacoma / Washington with a tellows score of 6

    2. 3233319189 from Los Angeles with a tellows score of 8

    3. 2132616494 from Los Angeles with a tellows score of 8

    Last week’s number 1 one stayed where it was, whereas number 3 spammer from Los Angeles worked his way up to rank 2.

    There is a newbie of the week on rank 3: it is obviously a debt collection company situated in Los Angeles.

    A user named Seriously reported us already in April:

    Guy on the other end wanted to arrest me this morning. Got no idea where he took my number and address from. hung up on him, never had any debts or whatsoever he was claiming

    Wrong person to call wrote the latest comment on the number:

    I got a call just like u guys. I am reporting it to every news ch i know of.. please everyone

    go here and put it under news idea.this is some bull shiiiit

    We say goodbye for this week… and hope the spammers will shut up as well.


    Team tellows


    (English) Mind Your Tongue – America’s Most Wanted Spam and Scam Callers


    Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf Amerikanisches Englisch verfügbar.

    Another week passed with all quiet on the landline front – at least in terms of change. The fraudsters remain as relentless as the weeks before. Beware, good folks of America… they are after you!!! Fortunately, thousands of honourable citizens stand out and oppose this unsolicited annoyance and provide the information needed warn the people prior the con.

    Here are the results:

    1. 6518293110 from St. Paul / Minnesota with a tellows score of 8

    2. 2187242094 from Duluth with a tellows score of 6

    3. 3233319189 from Los Angeles with a tellows score of 9

    peter warned:

    These people have been calling my phone for the past week at least three times a day all day long. They never leave a message. I called the number back to see who it was and the automated recording picked up and it said it was a company called teleresources, but nothing else about why they called

    The St. Pauls number is an old vet in terms of nuisance calls. Their promises of wealth lure unaware citizens into fee-required subscriptions and leech their bank accounts dry. Unfortunately, we know only little about the number from Duluth, but thanks to peter we know at least the company name „teleresources“. Last but not least, a debt collection company intends to grind the people’s nerves to dust.

    someone keeps on calling my job saying that they have information on me. and that they are going to have the police come out and get me. i told them that they are a scam and i am going to call the police regarding them keep on harrassing me at work. twice in one day other number was 508 202 7204, this one said i was involved in a hit and run. LIE i dont know how people can do this and do there best an try too scare people.

    Take care, friends of tellows !!! Do not let them get you unawares !!!

    Team tellows
