Good news for all the people out there that are plagued by robocalls: The Supreme Court on Monday upheld a 1991 law that bars robocalls to cellphones. Even though this is a good step, we will explain to you, why this wont be the end of the robocall-era.

Like Brett Kavanaugh, the justice, said ” Americans passionately disagree about many things. But they are largely united in their disdain for robocalls”, robocalls are extremely annoying and lots of people are victims of it. Fortunately the law decided on Monday that robocalls are still illegal. The discussion came up because there was a law announced in 2015 that allowed federal debt collectors to make robocalls. On Monday the court agreed that this exception of the law is a violation against the Constitution. This results from the reason that it is not allowed for the congress to favor one speech over others. So far so good, but:
Robocalls wont stop (at least in the near future)
Well, while there is life, there is hope, but we do not think that the robocall-horror will end soon. Robocalls were already illegal before this week’s Monday and still – they were happening. A survey conducted by the Provision living carried out between March and April 2020 with over 4000 participants reveals shocking facts. 87% of the participants state that they experienced increase in robocalls within last year. 65% say that they receive at least one robocall per day. This fits to opinions about the Court decision on Twitter, like a user tweets:

What to do?
We don’t want to end this post in a negative manner. That’s why we focus on something positive: You can do something against robocalls!
Of course you can list your number on FTC’s “Do not call” registry. 57% of the survey-participants did that. The downside is that half of them (23%) state that they still get calls. That’s why there is a need for something else! A lot of scam numbers already are listed on our website through our active community. Therefore you can look up unknown numbers and get information about them. In addition to that, you can download the tellows app for Android and iPhone. With the app you can easily block unwanted numbers, rated by the community! If you received a robocall, please report the numbers to the community therefore you protect others.
Do you experience similar things like the participants of the survey? Let us know in the comments!
Your tellows team
Source: Ap news

I live in Victoria, Australia & I constantly get scam calls – at least twice a day & EVERY day, at all hours.
I NEVER pick up the phone which could be why these scammers persist in ringing my mobile. All these annoying calls started after I was scammed ONCE into paying for the ‘bitumen’ scam.
Apart from other states these calls even come from ALL OVER the world – UK, Wales, Denmark, Germany, etc etc.
Can you plse help me by advising me who to go to for help in Victoria, Australia ?