Schlagwort-Archive: FTC

(English) Robocalls remain forbidden – this does not mean that they no longer occur


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Good news for all the people out there that are plagued by robocalls: The Supreme Court on Monday upheld a 1991 law that bars robocalls to cellphones. Even though this is a good step, we will explain to you, why this wont be the end of the robocall-era.



(English) Cyber security, Personal information and Phone scams


Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf Amerikanisches Englisch verfügbar.

The number of phone scams has been soaring in the recent years and scammers have been taking advantages of technology to perform endless phone frauds. As stated by the Federal Communications Commission, half of the calls made in the US in 2019 will be spam calls. Revenue lost due to phone frauds in US peaked $83M in the first quarter of 2019, more then 140K reports received in 4 months according to Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Phone scam is the most common type of frauds referring to FTC and the median of reported fraud loss is $1000.

Robocalls are the most notorious spam calls nowadays. We have little control for this particular type of phone fraud, as it is generated by computers that dial high volume of random phone numbers in a short period of time. But what about other types of spam calls, like Wangiri scam, IRS scam, telemarketing calls, sweepstakes calls……? Why do these scammers call you and where is the leak? There is always something we can do to lower the chances of receiving spam calls! Lets start with protecting our personal information on the internet!

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