Schlagwort-Archive: robocalls

(English) Anti-Robocall Technology Becomes Effective – Will Robocalls Stop Now?


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In March 2020 the FCC approved the requirement for phone call carriers to implement the STIR/SHAKEN technology in order to stop robocalls.

The Caller ID framework includes a verification from the carrier that the caller is who he says he is. The carrier companies need to report their commitment and will receive penalties if they do not comply.

man on phone in office

What happened so far?

It is common knowledge that robocalls are illegal, but might not be obvious since they are still performed to such a heavy extend. In 1991 the Supreme Court upheld a law, but 30 years later we still struggle with those calls.

The TRACED Act passed in 2019 already lifted the fines per robocalls and introduced the STIR/SHAKEN technology to provide a reliable Caller ID for carriers. In order to reduce fraud and spam calls, the technology will display the caller ID and the person can know that it is trusted since the provider transferred the call. Fake Caller IDs can be identified.


Voting scams during the 2020 election – be aware of robocalls


It is not a secret that phone calls are an exemplary marketing technique to earn voters. They are not just part of a presidential election, but especially in the months before the election those campaigns reach their peak. And with those, many fraudsters sniff their chance to get in contact with people and scam them on the behalf of the election. We report about the most common scams and what you can do to avoid them.

election 2020 robocall

Just in July this year we reported that the U.S. Supreme Court held up a rule for the long-awaited ban of robocalls to mobiles in context to political advertisement among others. While in 2015 it was paused for exceptions, the majority of the court voted for an ongoing ban of robocalls.

While the FCC already ruled the limitation of automated calls and texts as well as pre-recorded voice calls referring to political campaigns to mobile phones without prior consent, many US citizens still encounter robocalls without giving consent. While there are lots of genuine calls about political campaigns, scammers are always taking their chance to make money out of credulous citizens.

Different kinds of political scam calls



(English) Robocalls remain forbidden – this does not mean that they no longer occur


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Good news for all the people out there that are plagued by robocalls: The Supreme Court on Monday upheld a 1991 law that bars robocalls to cellphones. Even though this is a good step, we will explain to you, why this wont be the end of the robocall-era.



(English) New legislation to tackle harmful robocalls


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Happy new year tellows friends!

As we heard a lot about robocalls in the US last year, measures were taken by the end of the year as President Trump has signed legislation giving authorities to the right to identify and block robocalls.

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(English) Robocalls alert!


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It has been a long time! tellows hopes you enjoyed the summer. This time we would like to present the latest statistics about phone scams from the past two months. As a reminder, a bill ‚TRACED ACT‘ was passed in July and it aims to lower the number of robocalls. However, according to Forbes, robocalls are still prevailing and the number of robocalls in the second quarter this year was 38% higher than last year; the number of imposter phone scams was also 28% higher.

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(English) Bill ‚TRACED Act‘ passed by Senate to prevent Robocalls


Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf Amerikanisches Englisch verfügbar.

Robocalls have been bothering us a long time and it has recently been becoming more and more unbearable. Last year the number of robocalls reached 26 billion – a 46% increase comparing to the estimated robocalls in 2017. A bill regarding to nuisance calls is passed by the US Senate with 97 to 1 vote in the later of May. The bill, named TRACED (Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal Enforcement and Deterrence) Act, will lift the fine to $10,000 per robocall and extend the statute of limitations on robocalls from two to three years.

According to CNN politics, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer expressed that

„There’s very little more annoying to New Yorkers than being woken up in the dead of night by automated calls trying to scam them out of their hard-earned money,“

„The TRACED Act is just what we need to hang up on these nonstop robocalls, and the House should follow the Senate’s lead and pass it ASAP.“

Telecom companies are happy with the result. With this new regulation established, carriers will be able to implement robocall blocking technologies for customers automatically.

Screenshot from TransNexus
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(English) Robocalls – Types and Things You Need to Know


Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf Amerikanisches Englisch verfügbar.

According to First Orion, also sited by Federal Communications Commission report,almost half of the calls received in the US will be a spam in 2019. According to a caller ID and blocking company in the US, it stated that there were 26.3 billion robocalls made in 2018. All these figures point to a skyrocketed trends of spam calls and especially for robocalls, that bothering almost half of the residents in the US. We have all received spam calls more or less before, but what are these Robocalls and how do they get so popular?

What are Robocalls?

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