Schlagwort-Archive: phone fraud

(English) How trustworthy are calls from „Amazon“? tellows Insights makes new study available


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Dear tellows friends,

the tellows team is working on a new section and now regularly presents you with current statistics on calling behavior and trustworthyness for frequently reported companies.

Thousands of phone numbers are used for fraudulent purposes every day and the people called are robbed of their money. Callers often use the names of well-known brands and try to outsmart their victims.

tellows study with unique data

In a unique study we categorized Amazon related phone numbers on tellows. Data from the last 365 days from around 130 telephone numbers were evaluated.

We combine unique tellows data with expert knowledge and extensive research. On tellows, we evaluate thousands of reviews every day and create statistics and data clusters on relevant phone numbers and new scams. This allows us to focus on actual active phone numbers and quickly identify new dubious phone numbers.

Fraud calls are increasing

Fraud cases involving callers falsely posing as Amazon employees or corporate partners are on the rise. Over 50 percent of all calls reported on tellows do not come from Amazon itself. We anticipate that there will be an increased volume of fraud before Christmas.

In our study we explain to you which fraud methods are carried out by alleged Amazon employees, how you can recognize these scams and which telephone numbers are used by official Amazon employees: To the Amazon study


Voting scams during the 2020 election – be aware of robocalls


It is not a secret that phone calls are an exemplary marketing technique to earn voters. They are not just part of a presidential election, but especially in the months before the election those campaigns reach their peak. And with those, many fraudsters sniff their chance to get in contact with people and scam them on the behalf of the election. We report about the most common scams and what you can do to avoid them.

election 2020 robocall

Just in July this year we reported that the U.S. Supreme Court held up a rule for the long-awaited ban of robocalls to mobiles in context to political advertisement among others. While in 2015 it was paused for exceptions, the majority of the court voted for an ongoing ban of robocalls.

While the FCC already ruled the limitation of automated calls and texts as well as pre-recorded voice calls referring to political campaigns to mobile phones without prior consent, many US citizens still encounter robocalls without giving consent. While there are lots of genuine calls about political campaigns, scammers are always taking their chance to make money out of credulous citizens.

Different kinds of political scam calls



(English) Coronavirus Scam – What you need to know!


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We are all experiencing an unprecedented pandemic worldwide and it makes us more vulnerable toward scammers, as we all care about our health and are looking for the latest update of the coronavirus. How scammers are taking advantages of the pandemic? As we are desperate for information of the virus, scammers are now trying all they can. Let’s have a look at the following example, stay safe from the virus and also the scammers!

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(English) How to know if the call is a Tax Scam?


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Dear tellows‘ friends,

The IRS scam is frustrating, but we would like to inform you about the tax scam season again. It is back, and the scammers are continuously trying new methods. In 2019 the total loss of tax preparers reported to FTC is amounted to $7.3M with a median loss of $518, and the top contact method by scammers is by phone. How do we protect ourselves from the scammers?

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(English) Smishing – the SMS Spam Message


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Dear tellows friends,

We hope you had a wonderful start of 2020! As it is almost February, tellows would like to inform you about the latest phone fraud. Smishing, which is also known as SMS scam, has been raising concern in the US, as many reported that scammers sent endless text messages to trick them. Therefore, tellows also added a new caller type for you to choose from when reporting a spam call – the SMS Spam.

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(English) Beware of the Black Friday Scam


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Hi there,

tellows would like to inform you about the latest threats of Black Friday! Christmas is coming and it is time to shop for our loved ones, however, we also have to protect ourselves from the scammers.

Below let’s have a look at the most common holiday scams: please don’t fall victim to them!
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(English) Phone scammers are targeting at seniors again


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In these days we have to pay more attention to the victims of phone frauds, which includes the vulnerable seniors. Last week an elderly robocall victim committed suicide after phone scammers have stolen her life-savings.

Screenshot from FTC report
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(English) Cyber security, Personal information and Phone scams


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The number of phone scams has been soaring in the recent years and scammers have been taking advantages of technology to perform endless phone frauds. As stated by the Federal Communications Commission, half of the calls made in the US in 2019 will be spam calls. Revenue lost due to phone frauds in US peaked $83M in the first quarter of 2019, more then 140K reports received in 4 months according to Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Phone scam is the most common type of frauds referring to FTC and the median of reported fraud loss is $1000.

Robocalls are the most notorious spam calls nowadays. We have little control for this particular type of phone fraud, as it is generated by computers that dial high volume of random phone numbers in a short period of time. But what about other types of spam calls, like Wangiri scam, IRS scam, telemarketing calls, sweepstakes calls……? Why do these scammers call you and where is the leak? There is always something we can do to lower the chances of receiving spam calls! Lets start with protecting our personal information on the internet!

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