Schlagwort-Archive: FCC

(English) Anti-Robocall Technology Becomes Effective – Will Robocalls Stop Now?


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In March 2020 the FCC approved the requirement for phone call carriers to implement the STIR/SHAKEN technology in order to stop robocalls.

The Caller ID framework includes a verification from the carrier that the caller is who he says he is. The carrier companies need to report their commitment and will receive penalties if they do not comply.

man on phone in office

What happened so far?

It is common knowledge that robocalls are illegal, but might not be obvious since they are still performed to such a heavy extend. In 1991 the Supreme Court upheld a law, but 30 years later we still struggle with those calls.

The TRACED Act passed in 2019 already lifted the fines per robocalls and introduced the STIR/SHAKEN technology to provide a reliable Caller ID for carriers. In order to reduce fraud and spam calls, the technology will display the caller ID and the person can know that it is trusted since the provider transferred the call. Fake Caller IDs can be identified.


What You Need to Know: A Review of the FCC Rules


Let’s try to review the facts and take a look at some important guidelines set by the Federal Communications Commission on telemarketing and autodialers.

1. Telemarketers are REQUIRED to give his or her name, company, telephone number or address where he or she can be contacted. You should expect these details on the initial part of the call.

In the tellows Call Guideline, you are given a script with a set of questions which you can use to verify information about the telemarketer.

2. No phone solicitation/ telemarketing is allowed before 8 am or after 9 pm.

3. As soon as you ask the telemarketer to include you in the do-not-call list, they should comply and you shouldn’t be receiving any more calls from them! At least for the next 5 years (read below).

4. The telemarketer must honor your do-not-call request for five years and you must repeat your request once you get the same call after the period.

