Most Searched Phone Numbers in January


Dear friends of tellows,

Hi there! The first month of January already passed and tellows hope you had a wonderful beginning of the year. We thank you for choosing tellows as your resources of phone scam protection, as in January we received over 100K page views and we joyfully invite you to stick with us through 2019. This time we will go through the January top 3 searched numbers in the tellows U.S website, and also share some of its details for your information, such as the type of callers and the name of companies.

The first mostly searched number is +1400491098.
It has a tellows score of 6, which is a mildly trust worthy rating, yet the search request cumulatively numbered over 10k.

The second frequently searched number is +442038076172.
Our tellows community reported that the number belongs to a company called CFD Global, which its country code revealed it is a British phone number. With a tellows score 8 and also a nature to be a telemarketer.

The third one is 8002927508.
Our users suggested that it is a debt collection company named Synchrony Financial or CareCredit and its cumulatively search requests over 20k. It has a tellows score 6 and most of the users have opinion that once they paid the loan the call stopped.

Now let us briefly look at the other 7 top searched phone numbers.

4. 2105206400
Harassment calls, company named Chase with a tellows score 6.
53 ratings and over 400k search requests.

5. +16024669813
Trustworthy number, company named Expedia with a tellows score 4.
15 ratings and over 10k search requests.

6. 2069220880
Trustworthy number, company named Amazon with a tellows score 4.
90 ratings and over 60k search requests.

7. 6193546301
Debt collection company, company named Midland Credit Management with a tellows score 8.
15 ratings and over 7k search requests.

8. 18009452000
Telemarketer Company, a company named Chase Bank with a tellows score 8.
19 ratings and over 8k search requests.

9. 8008232318
Debt collection company, a company named Medicredit with a tellows score 7.
41 ratings and over 20k search requests.

10. 2142831316
Harassment calls, with a tellows score 8.
30 ratings and over 17k search requests.

Here tellows selected 3 of the most worth reading comments:

nik_qc commented on 2069220880:

“Clearly a scam. My wife got the call today, the caller presented himself as Amazon Customer Service representative and started to ask the name of the person he was talking to. My wife figured that Amazon would rather ask for me, the account owner. The call got dropped. I have called Amazon about 15 minutes later, explained them what happened and asked if they could confirm that Amazon tried to contact me today. I was assured that they keep track of all contact attempts (calls, emails…) and they did NOT try to contact me. So, 100% scam, as suspected.”

Kidzsheppard commented on 18009452000:

“I keep getting calls from this number, I block it and still they cover their tracks by using cell numbers that are local. I was told that I could lower my interest rate, but if I didn’t they would cancel my card, I then said to cancel my card, and I was talked to in a unknown language and I demanded he speak English and he again, said more and hung up on me.”

Chatt commented on 8008232318:

“Called for galpal who has stage 4 cancer, and is on Social Security with Medicare and Medicaid benefits and does not owe anything to anyone. She only has one doctor and all bills are paid for by funding from cancer society. I told them off, and they said they were sorry for bothering. I also informed I’d be blocking their number for calling continuously and at 8:51PM at night.”

As in general the tellows score of the top 10 numbers, with the information shared by our users ranged between 6- 8, which highly suggested that they are not trustworthy. The comments above also suggested that most of these phone calls have a nature of harassing or telemarketing, which mostly called continuously every day and sometimes make inquires of personal details. Here we kindly remind you that these phone numbers above maybe highly related to phone scams, if you received any phone call of the above numbers or phone calls with similar nature, please don’t hesitate to join us and leave a comment, by sharing your experience on tellows, we are one step away from the phone spams!

We hope you enjoy reading our blog and if you are looking for more information about the tellows app please click here and you can also download the app for iPhone or Android, less than a minute and you are good to go!

We thank you for your contribution to tellows and wish you a nice day!

tellows team


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