What’s the tellows Heatmap?
It shows the regions which are constantly called by the respective phone number.
Where does the information come from?
Thanks to your help and the number of your search requests we are able to create a daily heatmap of the locations suffering most heavily from spam and scam calls. On this map you can see the hotspots this number is focusing on. Moreover, you can make out if there are other people around you recieving the same unnerving calls.
Apart from the details on the individual phone numbers there’s overview on numbers activity in the last 24 hours. For the UK heatmap click here; the US heatmap you can find here.
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Your Tellows Team!
Thanks for sharing this information. I could really use this site. Been having problems with telemarketers and several offending callers that I could hardly last a day without getting annoyed. I bet these people don’t even care as long as they reach their call quota. But I’m wondering, what makes them think they’d sell their products by annoying consumers?
I have been receiving calls from various debt collecting agencies who have asked for a variety of names I have never heard of.
The calls started over 5 months ago when I was given this re-issued landline number by virgin when I moved into my new address, so this number does not belong to my address – or me! Which I have repeatedly told to whom-ever I have spoken to.
I have asked these people politely, told these people firmly, threatened to report these people and curtly told them to leave me alone and take my number off there list. But still the calls come.
I have stopped answering my phone for months, hoping they would get the message and go away and had a block put on my phone as many of these numbers were ‘unavailable’ on a 1471 ring back, but, still the calls come.
As none of these tactics have worked they have now decided to resort to sending sms messages to my landline phone from this number;-08442844215 asking me to ring a Mckenzie Hall on a certain number with a reference number immediately.
Yeah, right, sure, I am going to ring these arseholes back, just for them to try and convince me I’m who they are looking for and to pay off a debt someone else owns because they do not understand the phrase I AM NOT THIS PERSON NOW GO AWAY AND LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! and all at my phone call expense!!!! Planet earth is not where they reside, obviously!
There should be a law against this type of harrassment and a way in which these phone calls can be barred from getting through.
Virgin did offer to change my number for me, but as I replied ‘what good is that going to do? because the chances are, I’ll just get someone elses bloody debt problems, unless they can promise me it would be a virgin number! But they could’nt-of course.
I am truly fed-up with these harrasing nuisance calls and feel powerless to stop them.
I saw an ad for a senior position and e-mailed this person asking for details on the position…
Guess what – he is a scammer!
I have been receiving e-mails from different e-mail addresses asking for my CV and details to be faxed to 0866968946!
This is driving me crazy…
Cant I report this tweet?
We also have had calls from this number along with several other numbers many of which were number withheld.
Having suffered this for a long time I found a call blocker and purchased it for about £35 then paid another £35 for my number to be taken off various lists. This had to be paid each year.
The problem with this call blocker is that I had to enter the numbers by hand using my telephone which means I had already received the call. Often I had to dial 1471 to get the number then enter it myself.
After a year or so the scam calls increased even though I kept entering the numbers and kept a record of them on my computer.
Talking to a friend and saying I felt this call blocker was useless I was introduced to a new device I had never heard of called True Call.
I have to say this system did the job and did it well I have not received a single scam call since I installed it.
My phone can be set up on the internet then synced with my home phone by the press of a button.
I can see a record of all calls received or made along with all numbers on the block list.
I can block complete country or area codes or single numbers by a key press.
I can even record calls by the press of a single button and play back on my computer.
This is an amazing blocker and I highly recommend it to any person suffering with scam calls.
Check it out here.
A major point with True Call is that they will set it all up for you on the web site then sync it with your home phone they are so helpful it is amazing.
It is so frustrating when a number keep calling you and you answer and they do not reply.