Essentially tellows percieves itself as a voice for the victims of spam and scam calls. Not only does tellows provide a platform where users can exchange their experience and knowledge but also tellows offers the opportunity to rate the telephone numbers in order to mark dubious numbers so their fraudulent ways will become obvious for everyone. A tellows score of 1 indicates a reliable number whereas a rating of 9 implies a most dubious number. The more negative comments, the higher the numbers rating. The score itself is hereby provided by an complex and extensive algorithm that considers various factors and user opinions in order to categorize the nature of the call adequately. Therewith, it allows all tellows users to spot the trustworthiness of the telephone number in an heartbeat.

If you have knowledge of a dangerous number we implore you to share it with your fellows who suffer the same unnerving calls. After all, it is knowledge that prevents the scammers’ and fraudsters’ success!
Other tellows Features
By accessing the tellows website or directly in the iPhone or Android app, you can find out who called, find out where the number is from and read reports from other users. If there is a risk of the call being a trap, you can identify it directly on the screen of your cell phone avoiding discomfort and danger of falling into telephone fraud.
With the tellows app, community comments are integrated into the list of suspicious numbers and, whenever you receive a message from an unknown number, the tellows score will appear on your phone screen.
Tellows also allows the user to register as a member and can create personal block lists and add unwanted numbers that are not yet in the tellows score or that are not a public threat. In this case, even if the number ranking in the ranking is positive due to other evaluations, it will be identified as dangerous when you receive a call. In addition, you can block it even before the phone rings using the premium version of the tellows app.
By logging into the application, all numbers that you have commented negatively on the website or the app itself are imported and immediately transferred to your personal block list, even if the final grade is not between 7 and 9 in the ranking. Your list does not depend on the ratings of other users. The block list can be used on any device where the app is installed, in any tellows product just login.
In addition, as a registered user, your comments cannot be removed without careful review by the tellows team. Before removing it, the team will contact you to clarify any doubts. Registered users are also allowed to edit their comment after posting.
Becoming a member is quick and easy and allows you to try the premium version of the tellows app at no cost for a month. Try it!
Take care!
Your Tellows Team!

I’ve missed the call from this number 011 5861 227 kindly call me back to 0725564153