Here are the top 3 of the most annoying phone numbers of this week:
1. 0012538203089 from Washington with a tellows score of 7
2. +17675034697 from Dominica with a tellows score of 5
3. 7572146785 from Virginia with a tellows score of 9
Last week’s top spam number 0012538203089 stayed on first place and has about 3646 search requests by now.
Bad news for everybody who fell for it: this is another PC doctor scam number.
User Bear from Switzerland reported:
Got 2 calls (Switzerland)
Just someone telling you your computer is infected by viruses, and asking you to give him direct connexion to your computer to repare it!!
Do not answer any request from this number/person
He is absolutely right, for this is a widespread scam.
We have reported about this scam method before:
These wannabe Microsoft employees will spin tales about the most malevolent of software and the ways your PC system was infected by it. According to the American computer forum bleepingcomputer.com the fraudsters will try to lure you on onto their website to download a software called Teamviewer. This program enables the scammers to access your PC directly and, therewith, provides them with the opportunity to download and install malware, manipulate your system settings and spy for personal data. However, Microsoft will not call to warn you of a potential viral infection and offer support for free. Microsoft is not ignorant of the scam and was quick to publish an article on their investigation into the matter on their windows blog.
For further information see our blog article on PC doctor scam
We count on you in the struggle against phone spam and scam! We need you to share vital information about fraudulent phone numbers.
Take care,
Your Tellows Team